Hi everyone. I've atempted to write several sort of blog and each time i'm stuck not knowing how to do it the best way. Either in english or in french or both. I cheerish all my dear international friends a lot but it's been AGES i wrote somewhere in my little brain "THINK GLOBALLY ACT LOCALLY" (in fact a simple sticker told me once this very thuth). So many of my friends today don't speak english enough and it is always a problem. I think writing everything in two language it tedious and boring as well.
ANYWAY as for anything to do with NABATE RECORDS it realy as to be in the international language. As far as I can remember NABATE has always been rooted to international communications. It was good to be able to communicate with pen pals all over the world. CD's and Internet didn't exist yet, and we spent all our money at the post office posting lettres to Bresil, UK, Hungaria, Italy, USA, Bulgaria, Russia, Poland, Greece, Italy, Spain, trading records with numerous others punk pals.
So Welcome to this blog all in english then!
22nd jan. 2008
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